Purry Kittens with Kitty Playtime Condo

Purry Kittens with Kitty Playtime Condo

Nice facts

  • Year
  • Collection
    Pet Shop
  • Assortment
    Chatter Pets
  • I have a Complete set
    Yes :)

Animals in set

Cover image from Calico cat

Calico cat

In collection
Cover image from Yellow tabby cat

Yellow tabby cat

In collection
Cover image from Grey tomcat

Grey tomcat

In collection


Three kittens and a mouse in their playtime condo! I like that it's an "animal heavy" set, it's not drowning in accessories. The animals are well made, and they all look cute. The play tower has a lot of windows and places to be, and one of the cats can even climb on the outside.


I have 2 of 2 accessories in my collection


I give this sassy set 3 out of 5 paws

The animals are really cool, but the set itself feels a little cheep. What exactly is the little box anyway?

Original box text

Purry Kittens with Kitty Playtime Condo

Play with kitties so sweet, hear the sound of a squeak,
Out of so many holes the little cats peek!
They love to climb and to be loved, too
Especially by a nice friend like you!

Help Grey Tomcat climb up the special scratching wall to hear a scraaatch-scraaatch-scraaatch!

Calico Cat loves to play tag with her friend Mouse! When you make the kitten "chase" the mouse, little Mouse loves to tease by "dodging" away!

Little Mouse likes to hide under the special kitty seat with Calico sitting above! When you press kitty down on her seat hear a squeak as the cat and mouse "talk"!

Spin Yellow Tabby on her tummy and watch her "chase" her fluffy tail around and around!

3 Paw Print Points

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